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Thursday, August 14, 2008

Holly and I Sail a West Wight Potter

The winds came up, a cloud cover cooled the lake way down to only 90 degrees and I had a crew who would work for Dr. Peppers. In other words it was a perfect sailing day for my West Wight Potter 15, Dim Sum. I tried out my new cheap video camera- Flip Ultra and it worked perfectly. I didn't have to think about exposure, frame speed, depth of field or loosing a $500 camera over the side. Gotta love it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nei ho ma Dim Sum? Hey Neighbor, loved your video!! Great cast! The male in the video needs a little work but at least looks trainable. Great soundtrack!Wicked Game is a favorite over here as well. Looking forward to the next adventure of Dim Sum!