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Sunday, September 6, 2009

Sailing Lake Somerville
Aug. 28-30, 2009
Well, it's been a little less than a year since I sailed here at Somerville and here I am again. This time Al, Luis, Wayne, Bill, Noel, Joe and Randy made it. The weather cooperated and
everyone had some good sailing. I was able to check out Joe's boat, a trimaran, for the first time. It's like a different animal from my slow-poke Potter. It looked like a Formula 1 car zipping around a bunch of station wagons. I've been using every cliche or rule or life style that has to do with making things simple, small or gone on Dim Sum. KISS, less is more or Zen: I'm trying to apply them all. My plan is to make sailing on Dim Sum more fun and safer.

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Sailing Where I First Learned to Sail
Jul. 24,25, 2009
After nearly 40 years I returned to sail Offatts Bayou. Galveston is where a friend of mine taught me to sail after I got out of the Navy. Herold Moore told me about his sailing experiences and pointed out the various "philosophies" involved in picking out a sailboat. I bought a brand new Venture Cat and learned to sail at places like Galveston beaches, Offatts Bayou and the Ship Channel. The boat never caught on but for me it was a perfect beginner's boat. I could beach it. I could roller-reef the jib and it would just fit in my garage. Whenever I had the boat on the beach it started an instant party.